I took this photo in Derby Square Bookstore. Stacks and stacks of books filled every inch of space, with just a trail through the piles. We walked away with 4 half priced books and a 5th free book. There is just a little crack between the books to make your purchase. A must-visit for any bibliophile visiting Salem.
We has some lunch (I got a great sweet potato and caramelized onion soup) and popped into the gift shop at the Peabody Essex Museum, but were too out of steam for a full visit. Next time. You can see some more salem photos in my photostream.
Back to work tomorrow. I love evacuation day. Funny how it happens to fall on St. Patty's day in a city where 20% of the population claims Irish heritage (the most in any city in the country). What a coincidence! ;)
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